BeVenturesome becomes a BAPA Member

We are very pleased to announce that BeVenturesome is now a certified member of the British Activity Provider Association (BAPA)

What is BAPA….

The British Activity Providers Association is the trade association for residential and non-residential based providers of activity programmes and activities in the UK and also where members have sites in Europe. Member centres have all agreed to abide by the BAPA Code of Practice and are committed to high standards of safety, value for money and customer service.

How did we become a member?

BeVenturesome had an inspection in Morzine where an experienced BAPA official came to assess our procedures, risk assessment and see us in action with groups. A little bit like an Ofsted inspection (only it was a voluntary inspection!)

Going forward

BeVenturesome will be inspected every 2 years to ensure we are still following the Code of Practice. Inspections are also a great opportunity to learn about new ideas, what other companies are doing and to ensure we stay as relevant and up to date as we possibly can do.

For BeVenturesome

As an English company who operate in France, use French partners as well as our own staff, the BAPA approval gives schools the confidence that the standards we follow are the same as a UK based centre. Other BAPA members include the lights of PGL

More information from BAPA see their website: BAPA

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