The BeVenturesome Team

BeVenturesome hire and train dedicated outdoor professionals to work with our schools. These guys and girls love what they do and it shows…

Mark Garland

Mark Garland

Mark lives part of the year in Chamonix, the mountaineering mecca of the Alps. The other part he runs Mountain Trainings, MIAS courses and Winter mountain skills in the UK. Cool, calm and considered. 

Graham Milton

Graham Milton

Graham is a lover of water sports and can feel a little uncomfortable on dry land. It took him 20 years to remember that he always wanted to run an adventure company in the Alps! Lives in Morzine.

Sophie Milton

The glue that holds the team together. Company director Sophie ensures trips are running like clockwork and everyone is happy. An absolute trooper, she has been known to have 2 broken wrists, 2 children and still keep a smile on her face. Based in Morzine. 

Katie Wilkinson

Based year round in Morzine, after realising that the summers here are potentially better than the winters, Katie is our marketing, ops and admin whizz. She’s a big fan of swimming in lakes and hiking mountains with her dog. 

Jude Humphries

Jude is another full time Morzine resident & living life to the max. When she’s not putting people to the test during a personal training class she’s either operating her own massage and wellbeing suite or can be found up a mountain somewhere! 

Gavin Anyon

You’ll never see Gav without a smile on his face – usually having way too much fun! An Irish chatterbox, based in St Gervais (near Chamonix) he’ll happily bike over to Morzine for the week and run the best school trip you could imagine. 

BeVenturesome Staff| school trips to alps