50 Years of the Independent School PE Conference (ISPEC)

This week BeVenturesome attended the 50th ISPEC (Independent school PE Conference) held at the fabulous Bryanston School in Dorset.

The conference was not only special as it was the 50th birthday, but it also marked 5 years of meeting my wonderful fiancé Sophie, who came to help me on the stand this year. As always it was great to chat to lots of teachers interested in taking their kids out for fun and games in the Alps.

Drone Footage

I invested in a new toy to film our trips out in the Alps this year last week! ISPEC provided a great opportunity to do a little practice filming! The camera is a little shaky (due to pilot error) in places but overall I am REALLY happy with the DJI Mavic Air. I’ll be doing some more practice over the next few weeks so if anyone schools / people / companies need some footage just drop me a line at graham@beventuresome.co.uk

If you are interested in the raw footage you can download the tennis footage HERE and ‘The photo’ footage HERE. There are also a few ariel photos HERE

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