Our ‘Best for The World’ accountant

After years of following the BCorp movement and reading the updated BCorp handbook last year we are keen to align BeVenturesome with the BCorp values as much as we can.

Certified B Corps are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. They are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. This is a community of leaders, driving of a global movement of people using businesses as a force for good.

https://bcorporation.uk/ BCorp Definition

We are in no rush to gain the accreditation but more concerned with following the BCorp methodology and baking it into our business from the start. We’ll apply when the time is right, hopefully this will happen in the next year or so.

I figured an ‘easy win’ to build a company that alines with the BCorp values is the choose BCorp suppliers whenever possible.

After several meetings with ‘normal’ accountants it became a pretty easy to choose Scott and Kung Fu Accounting. Fair, compassionate, interested, efficient and considered are all accurate descriptions. I don’t think I’d be writing about how good a ‘normal’ accountant was.

With a BCorp behind the numbers we are confident the company will head in the right direction both financially and with purpose and impact beyond the numbers.

You can read more about about Kung Fu Accounting BCorp status HERE

You can read more about BCorps HERE

Kung Fu Accounting are in the top 10% of BCorps in the world for Governance

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