Episode 4: PictureThis App Review

PictureThis App Review. Your very own pocket Botanist.

Every expedition needs an aim. Why not discover the plants around you while exploring somewhere new?

Whilst creating this series we came across this amazing app called PictureThis. It instantly identifies plants with amazing speed and accuracy. The app could not be easier to use, simply take or upload a photo of any plant and get super-fast plant ID straight to your phone.

The learning never stops because once it has ID’d the plant it gives you lots of information about the plant to. From how often you need water, to pest and disease control, even fun facts about the plants too.

Basically, PictureThis gives you everything you want to know about plants by simply uploading or taking a picture through the app.

Never be confused again when going out on a walk and seeing a plant you don’t recognise. PictureThis is your very own pocket Botanists.

If this is your first episode in our series, follow this link to Episode 1 so you can see what you’ve missed.

Check out Episode 5 here.

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