What do the pupils think of our trips?

The group were finishing the last activity of the week before their coach left for the airport when it struck me…

I had spent all week trying to get ‘jaw-dropping’ drone footage and ‘eye-popping’ homepage photos and I had forgotten the most obvious and important thing to capture.

What did the pupils think of the trip?

Getting good interview footage (especially from children!) takes planning, scripting, microphones, convincing them to be on camera and lots of rehearsals & retakes I thought to myself. I had about 10 minutes before the coach left!

This is what we got with zero preparation, no rehearsals and no retakes…

What were your favourite activities?

What about the BeVenturesome staff and food

Not really sure why staff and food got put together!

How did the trip compare to other school trips?

What are the Types of Fun? Which Type did you have?

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