School trips to The Alps. Summer v Winter

Skiing in the Alps is incredible. No two ways about it.

School ski trips are wonderful. I still remember mine

But have you considered the Alps in the Summer for a school trip?

Might a Summer trip better suit the needs & desires of your pupils and school?

Here are a few things to consider:

Variety of activities

Alpine resorts (especially Morzine!) provide a whole suite of premium adventure activities in the Summer. Benefits include:

  • Every pupil, no matter how many holidays they have been on, will be trying something new. Trying new things is wholesome – even if they are ‘not your thing’ . Most pupils will be trying new things every day
  • There is something for everyone, unlike a Ski trip, making it a much more inclusive trip for a year group
  • Every day is different. Variety is the spice of life
  • There is more chance pupils will find ‘that one’ activity they fall in love with

See some of the activities HERE

Learning Outcomes

Given the variety and scope of the activities pupils can achieve a huge amount in a week.

We tend to focus on building skills in:

  • Leadership
  • Team Work
  • Resilience
  • Problem solving

The Alps in the Summer provide us with:

  • Epic new experiences
  • Wonderful new environments
  • Countless new situations

This means learning outcomes tend to happen quite naturally –  which is the best way they can happen. To assist this we tailor the trips, activities and narrative to suit your school’s objectives.

Ski trips, whilst amazing, tend not to focus on this.

Variety of trip types

The long list of amazing adventure activities, superb facilities and the general presence of The Alps means we can provide a wide variety of trip types.

  • Full on Adventure – Non stop adventure
  • Expedition – Some adventure activities with more hiking and exploring
  • Sports – Morzine has a fantastic multi purpose sports facilities and lots of tennis courts
  • Culture & Language – We partner with a local language school

This means schools can run the following trips:

  • End-of-year residential
  • Pre-season team building and training
  • Expedition weeks
  • A mix of the above


It’s generally shorts and T-Shirts weather in the Summer. No need to worry about whether you’ll have snow or not!


The Summer in the Alps is just different. Winter has a certain (incredible) buzz about it. Summer is more relaxed, has more space to breathe, is less frantic, has a fresher feel about it and is a bit more peaceful. I personally find it much more natural and easier to appreciate your surroundings.


Summer school trips to the Alps are new and exciting.


Summer trips with BeVenturesome tend to be a lot cheaper than Ski trips. The £ for unit of adventure is certainly very economical and inclusive for pupils at your school.

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